We would like to personally thank each of you for being a participant in the Nurses’ Health Study 3. We want you to know that we are humbled at how willing you are to work with us to help improve the health and wellbeing of nurses, nursing students, and the general public. Each questionnaire you answer allows us to examine how your occupational exposures and other aspects of your life –  such as your diet, where you live, and your sleep patterns, to name a few –   impact health. Your participation is critical for advancing scientific discoveries that address pressing public health and clinical issues.   

To let you get a view behind the scenes, we are launching NHS3 Insights to answer some of your frequent questions (“Why do you ask us about being pregnant so often?”, “What are the latest study results?”, “Who are the people behind the study?”). We’ll be adding new content all the time, so check back frequently.

We love hearing from you—keep sending comments and questions to us at nhs3@channing.harvard.edu. 

A heartfelt thank you on behalf of the Nurses’ Health Study 3 staff and investigators. 


The NHS3 Leadership Team

Jorge E. Chavarro, M.D., Sc.D.

Jaime Hart  Sc.D.

Francine Laden  Sc.D.